COD - CDL - Championship


The Call of Duty Championship is an annual Call of Duty tournament held at the end of each competitive season to determine the year's World Champion. To determine qualification, teams must qualify through events before the World Championship. Players must be at least 18 years of age as of the beginning of the tournament in order to participate.


The inaugural tournament was first held in 2013 on Call of Duty: Black Ops II for the Xbox 360 and was won by Fariko Impact. In 2014, playing Call of Duty: Ghosts, Complexity Gaming won the $400,000 championship prize.

The 2015 iteration of the event was won by Denial eSports with team consisting of Chris "Replays" Crowder, Dillon "Attach" Price, James "Clayster" Eubanks, and Jordan "JKap" Kaplan.

The 2016 iteration occurred 2–4 September 2016, unlike previous ones held in the spring, with a two million dollar prize pool. It was announced on June 8, 2016, that the championship will take place along with Call of Duty XP which will reveal the Infinite Warfare Multiplayer Trailer. Team EnvyUs won the event, with a line-up of JKap, SlasheR, Apathy, and John (who was named MVP of the event).

In 2020, Activision and Sony Mobile announced the inaugural Call of Duty: Mobile Championship would begin on April 30. However, in December, Activision canceled the Mobile Grand Finals due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and distributed the $750,000 prize pool between the seven teams who qualified for the Finals.

The 2021 Call of Duty League season began January 23, 2021. In April 2021, Activision announced the 2021 Call of Duty: Mobile Championship would begin on June 3.

**COD - CDL - Meisterschaft: Das ultimative E-Sport-Spektakel**

Mach dich bereit für das mit Spannung erwartete COD - CDL - Championship, das ultimative E-Sport-Event, das die besten Call of Duty-Teams der Welt versammelt.

Vom XX. bis XX. XX. kämpfen 12 elitäre Mannschaften in einem gnadenlosen Wettkampf um den prestigeträchtigen Titel. Erlebe nervenaufreibende Matches, hochkarätige Strategien und unglaubliche Spielzüge, die die Grenzen des E-Sports neu definieren.

Stelle dich auf ein actionreiches Wochenende ein, vollgepackt mit:

* Intensitätsgeladenen Best-of-Five-Matches
* Weltklasse-Spielern, die ihre außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen
* Expertenkommentaren, die Einblicke in die Strategien und Taktiken der Teams geben
* Herzschlagmomenten, die dich an den Bildschirm fesseln werden
* Exklusiven Interviews und Hintergrundgeschichten, die dir einen Blick hinter die Kulissen geben

Ob du ein eingefleischter Fan von Call of Duty bist oder einfach nur das Schauspiel des E-Sports erleben möchtest, die COD - CDL - Meisterschaft verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Schließe dich einer globalen Gemeinschaft von E-Sport-Enthusiasten an und werde Zeuge der Krönung des neuen Call of Duty-Champions.