Ecuador - Primera - Frauen


Superliga Ecuatoriana de Fútbol Femenino, also commonly known as Superliga Femenina, is the highest league of women's football in Ecuador, organized by the Ecuadorian Football Federation. Since its founding in 2019, the league has been contested for 2 years and 2 titles have been awarded.



In 2013, the first national amateur women's football championship endorsed by the FEF was organized. None of these 16 participating clubs belonged to or were subsidiaries of the Ecuadorian Serie A men's clubs. They are teams that have been carrying out this activity at the neighborhood or amateur level for 15 and even 20 years, there is no exact date.


In 2019, the FEF created the Women's Football Commission to be in charge of the creation of a new professional women's football league which included the participation of the Serie A teams from Ecuador. In this tournament, the teams will be able to register players in a professional manner, although it is not an obligation that the entire teams are to be.

Ecuador - Primera - Damen

Die Ecuadorian Women's Football League oder Ecuador - Primera - Damen ist die höchste Frauenliga im ecuadorianischen Frauenfußball. Sie wurde 2008 gegründet und wird vom ecuadorianischen Fußballverband (FEF) organisiert.

An der Liga nehmen 10 Mannschaften teil, die in einer Doppelrunde gegeneinander spielen. Der Sieger der Liga qualifiziert sich für die Copa Libertadores Femenina, während der Zweit- und Drittplatzierte an der Copa Sudamericana Femenina teilnimmt.

Die erfolgreichste Mannschaft in der Geschichte der Liga ist Universidad San Francisco mit 6 Meistertiteln. Die aktuellen Meister sind Deportivo Cuenca.